Seen is the card for building credit, no matter your financial health. After establishing a fresh, inviting Seen brand identity, that system needed to be applied to web as the primary place for new users to learn about the platform and make an informed decision to convert.
The result is a user-tested, mobile-first website that extends Seen’s identity to a wide range of applications and motion states, all designed to acquire and engage users.

Card renders

Brand photography

Brand photography

Card renders

UX that changes how credit building is Seen.
The Seen website’s primary goal was to drive users to download the app. It’s a real challenge to get users to continue from top-of-funnel marketing channels to web and then the App Store, but the bold, eye-catching layout of the Seen website makes that handoff intuitive.

App Page

Full Screen Navigation Takeover

App Elements

The App’s page

Brand photography

Brand photography